Monday, 2 April 2007

Patterns on CD

Well, this something i discovered a few years ago - Leko CAD. I made a trouser using their patterns and they fit so well, it saved me time and money. The only problem is the gluing together of the papers to get the pattern. But since i am good at pattern cutting i just go with my own drafting, but do check it out.

I am looking to get the digital pattern measurement so that i can take work online. It works by uploading your picture which must be taken using a grid to which your image must fit into, then the computer uses some kind of algorithms to work out your measurement, its kind of like the bodyscanner or is bodyskanner.

1 comment:

Sew Shy said...

I just went to their site and realized they are out of business? Any suggestions on alternatives? I've always wanted to try out some custom patternmaking software...